Inspired by The Sea Change Project and the documentary, "My Octopus Teacher."

Encounters with bright and precious small wonders set here to Maya Angelou's poem, "Continue."

May my hummingbird, honey bee and eucalyptus tree photos relax and refresh you on this extremely energy-laden day!

Into a world which needed you

My wish for you

Is that you


To be who and how you are

To astonish a mean world

With your acts of kindness


To allow humor to lighten the burden

of your tender heart


In a society dark with cruelty

To let the people hear the grandeur

Of God in the peals of your laughter


To let your eloquence

Elevate the people to heights

They. had only imagined


To remind people that

Each is as good as the other

And that no one is beneath

Nor above you


To remember your own young years

And look with favor upon the lost

And the least and the lonely


To put the mantel of your protection

Around the bodies of

The young and the defenseless


To take the hand of the despised

And diseased and walk proudly with them

In the high street

Some might see you and

Be encouraged to do likewise


To let gratitude be the pillow

Upon which you kneel to

Say your nightly prayer

And let faith be the bridge

You build to overcome evil

And welcome good


To ignore no vision

Which comes to enlarge your range

And increases your spirit


To dare to love deeply

And risk everything

For the good thing


To float

Happily in the sea of infinite substance

Which set aside riches for you

Before you had a name


And by doing so

You and your work

Will be able to continue


Dedicated to the soul of Tsipor Leyb ben Ya'akov v'Dina and to his family.